How To Buy And Choose Baseball Cleats Like A Pro

Are you wondering how to buy and choose baseball cleats? If so, you’re in luck.

In order to play at your highest level you need quality cleats and I’ll show you how to pick them. It’s my hope you’ll have all the information you need to confidently make your purchase by the end of this guide.

Sound good?

What’s Your Skill Level And What Type Of Player Are You?

I’ve been playing sports and baseball for a long time. Some people make the claim your gear and equipment aren’t major to your success but I disagree. Obviously you need to be skillful and practice but what your wear and use matters.

This applies to your cleats too. In order to play at your highest level and to run the bases at your absolute fastest, you need a quality product on your feet.

If you’re an elite level talent in high school, college or at the professional level you’ll need to spend a little extra for your cleats (likely over $75). These products will give you the type of support and performance you need to succeed.

Anyone playing in an intramural league or just for fun can spend a little less.

mizuno dominant

Another thing to consider is your position and the type of player you are. Speedy outfielders will want a lightweight cleat with excellent traction – this will help you track down fly balls and burn around the bases.

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Power hitters need something a little different. They should go with a lot of support and a product that allows them to dig down and swing hard.

Pitchers should avoid high top cleats because they restrict movement when pitching.

After you think about all this, you need to switch focus to the type of cleat you want.

Metal, Molded, Interchangeable and Turf

There’s a few different kinds of cleats and they all have their strengths and weaknesses. Here’s a quick break down for each type:

  • Metal: These are the preferred choice of high level players. Many youth leagues don’t allow them but almost all high school and college leagues do. This piece of equipment allows for the most traction and gives the fastest first step. You should only wear these on the field or in the dugout, though – they will wear out if you walk on concrete or asphalt with them.
  • Molded Plastic: This is preferred in youth leagues because they are cheaper and safer. Young kids grow fast and spending $100 on cleats every year can get annoying (there are more expensive plastic cleats, however). These tend to be the most comfortable and last the longest too; the hard plastic is harder to wear down than metal.
  • Interchangeable: Interchangeable cleats are perfect for any slugger that plays in multiple leagues with different rules. You can switch out the studs for leagues that allow metal and you put in plastic in leagues that don’t. You can replace worn out studs and get more use out of the cleats too.
  • Turf: These are more for practice on artificial surfaces and are most comfortable. You should avoid wearing these during games on any surface.
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Next, you need to think about ankle protection.

Make Sure You Get The Proper Support

One of the most annoying injuries an athlete can suffer from is an ankle injury. I’ve had them and anyone person that’s active probably has too.

Sometimes they are unavoidable but having proper support will limit this from happening.

A lot of this comes down to the brand you play with and what you pay. A product from Nike, Under Armour, Adidas, Mizuno and other companies like these are likely to do a great job with ankle support. They spend millions in design and feature the latest technologies in their cleats. Plus, professionals wear products from them – if it’s good enough for them it’ll be good enough for you.

Are You Interested In Seeing The Best Cleats?

Buying cleats is a pretty easy process – you just have to know you position, your skill level and determine what type you want. It always helps to go name brand because you will get the most support and limit your risk of injury.

I put together a list of my 15 favorite cleats for 2017. There’s a product for every kind of player and every budget. If you want to see it click below:

The Best Baseball Cleats For 2017

If you have any questions about what you’ve read, comment below and I’ll make sure to respond as fast as possible. You can let friends and family see by sharing on social media too.

Are you ready to have the best season possible this year?